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Can the Inflation Monster Destroying Global Citizens’ Wealth Be Caged… or Tamed?

Can the Inflation Monster Destroying Global Citizens’ Wealth Be Caged… or Tamed?

Global inflation isn’t improving, and could get much worse, given that central banks around the world increased the global money supply by 20%-30% during COVID lockdowns. The fact that people are putting their money in crypto and pulling funds out of banks, and that lots of countries want to join BRICS, shows that the global banking system needs trust improved and restored ASAP. 

As the whole global banking system is fiat now, and EVERY past fiat currency has lost 100% of its’ value, going back to some sort of gold standard would help. However, today there simply isn’t enough gold to go around. There’s only $12T of gold that has been mined in world history, and central banks hold about $2.5T of it. This means that there’s only $2.5T of gold backing over $2.5 Quadrillion of global debt, which means there’s $1000 of debt for every $1 of gold backing it (Source: World Gold Council and GoldSwitzerland). For historical perspective, traditionally there’s only $10 of debt for every $1 of gold backing it; that would make gold cost over $200K/oz. now.

For trust to be restored to the financial system now, it would be nice if someone could magically wave a wand and double the amount of gold that’s above ground. Then there’d be enough gold for central banks to buy and stabilize their currencies. But that’s not happening, as it has taken 3500 years to mine the existing $12 Trillion of gold, and mining only increases the global gold supply by about 1.5%/year.

Is 2023 the Year That Someone Figures Out How To “Conjure” Gold… Legally?

For centuries, people attempted to transform other metals into gold, a process called alchemy, and for centuries they failed. What if there was a way to create a NEW kind of alchemy? Where other metals weren’t transformed into gold, but rather existing metals were transformed from unusable to usable? That opportunity IS here before us now.

With technological advances in A) measuring metals in the ground (called ‘reserves’), B) having reserves independently verified to the highest banking standards, and in C) sound tokenomics and limited supply like Bitcoin offers, we now have the opportunity to bring an extra $1T to $4T of liquidity to the global economy backed by proven reserves of gold and other commodities quite quickly.

For this to work, it will require the cooperation of governments, business leaders, and the banking system… and it can be done. The key is for all stakeholders to have an abundance mindset, and integrate these technologies so that all may prosper… the banking sector, nations’ economies, business owners who risk their capital to bring these innovations to the marketplace, and individuals and families.

“Save the Forests! Save the Whales!” A Key Lesson from the Past

For historical context, in the 1860’s whale blubber was used to light lamps at night, and the world was running out of whales to hunt. People all over the world were afraid of returning to the Dark Ages, and a British writer won his era’s equivalent of the Nobel Prize for his article on ‘Peak Whale Blubber’ and how the world needed to cut back on their use of lamps at night. 

Was he right? No, he wasn’t. Necessity is the mother of invention, and due to the dwindling supply of whale blubber, someone soon discovered how to make kerosene in order to light lamps. A few decades later, it was discovered that gasoline was a byproduct of extracting kerosene out of petroleum, and the whole modern petroleum industry that powers our cars and contributes to 30,000+ other products sprung up, greatly improving quality of life for all. 

The challenge of ‘peak whale blubber’ didn’t lead to the regression of humanity… it lead to the progression of the global energy sector, and it led to the most prosperous time in all of human history, that we are enjoying today. 

Similarly, the current challenge of ‘peak global fiat money printing’ doesn’t need to lead to the harm of untold millions either. Just like in the 1860’s, we can put our minds together and come up with new, innovative ways to expand the supply of sound money worldwide, and people can again trust that their money’s purchasing power will remain stable, and the inflation monster that’s currently running rampant around the globe can be caged.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, and expecting a different result. To my fellow leaders in business, to leaders in government, and to leaders in banking, I ask: are you willing to do a new thing, to get a new, better result? If you’re willing to humble yourself and receive counsel from other wise advisors, you can be part of creating the next era of next-level prosperity for humanity, bringing an extra $1T to $4T of sound money liquidity to the global banking system. Don’t let the opportunity pass you by.

*David Roy Newby is the author of multiple books, and has shared the stage with Robert Kiyosaki, David Green of Hobby Lobby, and one of the Rockefeller’s. His latest report “2023 Wealth Survival Guide” can be downloaded at